Global ethics, dialogue of cultures and
the European perspective
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From 4 to 7 June 2009 was held in Innsbruck the last plenary session of the SEC in cooperation with the research project Weltethos theorized by the famous theologian Hans Küng. As pointed out in the Introduction’s Vice president Galasso, the framework of ethical problems has changed considerably in recent years whether the scope of the economic power in international relations or the speed and extent of communications. As the great ideologies structuring dissolved major uncertainties still think of the risk of nuclear, climate warming, the pollution of any kind, to the dangers of terrorism. Of immediately the Secretary General of the SEC, Michelle CAMPAGNOLO indicated that “the crucial question was the criteria according to which a universal ethics can be established and become a code generally accepted and followed.
Face of this inexorable evolution that seems out of control, the project Weltethos and the cultural policy of the SEC aimed first at the major religions and the second indistinctly to the secular world and the religious world are trying on behalf of a global ethic to overcome these risks by emphasizing new priorities : a thought of the economy in terms of global solidarity defence of the environment, sustainable development and respect for human rights.
In this context, the dialogue of cultures appears more than ever indispensable especially with Islam through that intracultural and intercultural dialogue.
Finally third theme of the Conference, the European perspective is if the European vision is able to guide the world today, not as a model but as dynamic stretched towards the universal and the Foundation of the civitas maxima.
Can be found also at the end of the book by Henri Bartoli and Bronislaw Geremek contributions to the plenary session of 2005 in San Servolo “of the Union. European Union of Europeans as well as a tribute to Michelle CAMPAGNOLO BOUVIER
This high volume of 330 p, decorated very nice pictures is available for the sum of 70 euros (2 issues per year) payable by credit card :

Volumes published :
Universality of culture
The construction and the use of the atomic bomb
Culture and the iron curtain
There is a crisis of art
Moral and political dialogue
Totalitarian and political crisis of culture
Reality of Europe
Power and culture : the new continent
Soviet power, communism and culture
The British Empire, problem of civilization
Humanism today
Civilization and Christianity
The accession of China to the status of great power
The India in the dialogue of civilizations
Africa’s entry in the history
The “international issue”
The ‘cold war’
Culture and religion
The problem of a global political authority
Peaceful coexistence, ideological competition, dialogue
THE O. UN, States and public opinion
Democracy and culture
The challenge within reason
The historic commitment of the man of culture
Crisis and Utopia
War and moral combat
The sense of history
Ethics and politics
Violence and dialogue
Europe, the reality of a utopia
The Europa, cultura, the pace
General index (our 1-50), first part

(2 issues per year) payable by credit card :