Summary of the meeting
November 8th, 2009

1. Proposals and projects for activities
– An antiphon of the meeting was to create a website for the Center.
– Conferences of the Pantheon : it is necessary to maintain the rate of 5-6 a year conferences. Some propose to extend the subjects to the euro-Mediterranean relations and Europe/Asia. You can give the name of speakers (one spoke about Pierre CAHUC to present its work “the company of distrust”) – It is pointed out that certain conferences could be organized – possibly Co-organized – on the place of study even of the possible listeners according to the topics (in the universities, with the ENS, central School…) in order to facilitate recruitment…
– Logistics of the conferences :
Recording of the debates : to make pass the microphone – Thank you in Madeleine Quercy for the transcription – To join again with the former lecturers ? Schedule : 10 :30 saturdays ? Restaurant : to diversify and improve ?
– Relay : The importance to have stable relays was stressed. There is in each School of associations or the organized groups : in contacting some (ex : the culture group of old of SC PO). To use the possibilities of posting (example : in Paris I, the central School…) : volunteers ?
– Networks : <boulevard-extérieur> of Vernet, etc – cf below the question of the Web site
– Other activities : certain members propose cultural or artistic outputs : visits of exhibitions (for example in Brussels), of monuments and castles (for example at one of our lecturers : Mr. xxxxxxx, or of the European Parliament, etc… Let us say what the ideas fuse, but which will organize them ? With which constraints (the invitation which had been made to us visit the Opera was conditioned by the assistance to a work…).
– Relation (harmonious) with the University Paris I (Presidency,…)
Insurance of the opening of the homage to HB by the president of the University Paris I – “conferences HB”. Paris I should deal with the cocktail.
– Startup of the project of homage to Henri BARTOLI – Logic of this homage : to testify to the commitments of HB by people having known it, which can speak about its action in the light of their own commitment – To also speak about the “friend Henri Bartoli” suggested by some (some speakers, Doctor Baldo…) – It is possible to have a technical support and/or equipment on behalf of certain members of the Center (its, video, etc…) – Financings : publicity, (cocktail not to mention it if Paris I deals with it), collecting recording for a DVD (technicians, equipment its and image…), publication of the talks and debates…
2. Collaboration with the SEC international
– Investigation near the other international centers.
In spite of the very favorable reaction Mrs CAMPAGNOLO, the answers (of quality) were done rare (Greece, Romania, France and Poland). The subjacent idea was to constitute a network which can work together and to shoulder themselves to build Web sites in all the centers. For the time being, nothing seems me to indicate that there is an effective will of collaboration… for the moment !
– Return on the financial problems of theinternational one
Do I point out the request for Venice to precisely help theinternational one by a contribution ? xxxx exceptional and to take part in the financial support of its companies (expenses of AG, meetings of the executive Scientific advice, etc…) from which profit directly and indirectly the national centres.
On the first point, the SEC-F sent a cheque of 1000 euros, which constitutes a consequent sum when it is known that it remains to him less than 1500 euros on its post office account.
On the second point, it was asked to us to carry out a rebate of 30 euros (case of the national centres of relatively easy European countries) per member. However, as I point out it to you, the contribution is on our premises of 30 euros ! The decision was thus made at the time of the meeting of December 6th to make pass our contribution to 50 euros, including 30 euros for Venice… and 20 euros for Paris ! You thus understand that we count on you to receive this year at least the equivalent of 1050 euros (35 subscribers only). We would not like to be in particular constrained to call into question the meeting in tribute to Henri BARTOLI !
Following the council of Pierre VORMUS, I went near the center of the taxes on which our association declared with the Olympic Games under the name depends that you know well. It was confirmed to me that, presenting a cultural character, she is regarded as organization of general interest (not to be confused with the public interest) and that consequently the contributions are deductible (up to 66 %xxxxxxxx of your incomes) and can be reproduced on your sheet of taxes in the topic envisaged under “gifts in works”. We will thus send to you, on your request, a document of the CERFA certifying the payment of your contribution.
– Review COMPRENDRE : he is called on those which it would like to forward to us their article for publication in the next number.
– Summer school of Venice August 2010 : xxxxxxxx to make known this Summer school and to offer a stock market “Bartoli” to a student of 3rd French cycle or to French-speaking person covering the registration fee and of stay.