European Debate – February 2014

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The philosopher German Jürgen Habermas in Athens, August 6, 2013. LOUISA GOULIAMAKI / AFP The 23.02.2014 at 12 :39 • updated the 24.02.2014 at 10 :47 Repolitise the European debate by Jürgen Habermas Our time is characterized by a growing disproportion between a global society in the process of systemic homogenization and fragmentation of the world

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Proceedings – February 2014

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STATEMENT OF RÉUNION Réunion of the enlarged bureau of the French Center of the European Company of Culture to the seat of association on February 8th, 2014 Present : BURNING HOT Claude, Michele FAVREAU, Ninou GARABAGHI, Pierre HOOK, Dominique LEROY, Suzy the SIDANER, Jacqueline and Michel POTTER, Madeleine QUERCY, Martine and Pierre VORMUS Absent-absent person : Christine

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Activities – January 2014

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Circular letter of Cosima CAMPAGNOLO I-30133 Venice, Giudecca 54 P (Calle Michelangelo, Villa Heriot) Phone 041/5230210 – Fax 041/5231033 All members Dear members of the European society of Culture, It is with great pleasure that we take the opportunity of these first weeks of the year for you to give a brief account of our

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Crisis in the Performing Arts

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Arts, total economy and ethical challenge Crisis in the Performing arts by Dominique LEROY Section 1 – the relation techno-esthetics in the history of the performing arts Section 2 – Specificity of the economy of the performing arts Section 3 – New technologies and movement of liberalization of the cultural and artistic markets Section 4 – the erosion of

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Cultural Revolution

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A Cultural revolution & intellectual necessary Is the SEC lends to make its clean “revolution” ? by Dominique LEROY In all orders of things, places and mediums, it appears with obviousness that one lives the end of the evolution of multidimensional crises. The total company is in a tectonic state of disorder. 1 – Some logics which lead to major

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Conference – March 2013

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Emerging countries of South America : that to learn from their experiment. Summary of the conference of professor Pierre Salama March 23rd, 2013 What to learn from the emerging countries of South America, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico ? Such is the subject of the Conference of Mr. SALAMA given on March 23rd, 2013. Emergent these countries are

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Activities of the SEC

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SPHERES OF ACTIVITY Who are the men of cultures ? Arts and techniques Letters and philosophy Social sciences Science Policy Religions SEC | Who are we ? | Home


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Become a member of the European society of Culture The french Center membership The French Center of the S.E.C. is an association non-profit law of 1901 who lives through the contributions of its members. Your membership is vital. To join the french Center, just pay an annual fee of 50 € (of which a portion

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The French Centre

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History of creation and of the activities of the S.E.C Create in 1950 by the philosopher Umberto Campagnolo, the S.E.C has as an aim, by affirming the need for a food-growing policy, to consolidate the values of civilisation, to work with the intercultural dialogue, the practice of the tolerance and the peacekeeping. The S.E.C engaged

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15th edition 2010 PREMISE During ten glosses of life, work and experiment, the European Company of Culture had amply the occasion to put to the test the thought which inspires it and the goals which legitimate its existence. Its history, in addition, shows that she lived, that she acted and that she developed in a

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