Posts Tagged / Other texts
SEC in short
EUROPEAN COMPANY OF CULTURE The European Company of Culture has for origin the idea, put forward by the Italian philosopher Umberto Campagnolo the shortly after the Second World War, of a stable organization calling the men of culture, whatever their discipline and whatever their membership, with an awakening interdependent and the exercise of their responsibility, whereas the crisis of
Culture against fanaticisms
Culture against fanaticisms Article published in the edition of the 20.01.13 By Élie Barnavi “Vis-a-vis ideological or religious intolerance, art is an effective rampart only if humanism is the base” Culture against fanaticisms. The historian is stripped vis-a-vis such a heading. Is this a report ? It can only be registered out of forgery. A wish ? Citizen and man
Project sheet
The French SEC and Center Constituted in Venice in 1950 by the Italian philosopher Umberto Campagnolo, the European Company of culture (S.E.C) s’occupe of the relationship between policy and culture, the central concept, food-growing policy. The SEC recognizes responsibilities ethical and political in the broad sense and endeavoured since its creation to establish top priority
CULTURE By Henri Bartoli Extract of the foreword to the work of Dominique Leroy “Economy of arts of the live performance – Test on the relation between the economic one and esthetics” The harmattan ED., Paris 1992 The culture is not a “sector”. It is “the definition even of the man”. The culture is initially